In january 2009 was bought, for 50 000 USD, 4ha area with building to serve as a place where to create the centre for youth, which will offer all-embracing care connected with care about drug dependents or H.I.V positive, together with other young ones, who don't have any perspective without support of the centre.
In Paraguay, children and teenagers at schools do not get any education nor information about H.I.V and the state itself does not have any idea about numbers of infected ones. Thirteen year old children here, are selling commonly drugs, therefore there are not even estimations about the amount of drug dependents. Based on the previous experiences of Father Darek, there is an intention to offer at least minimum background and help, not only to those who are already H.I.V positive or drug dependents, but also the correct education of the youth trying to show them the right direction and path to arrive to a real life priorities and targets and this way, hopefully decrease other spread and extension of H.I.V and drugs.
To buy this area we had to lend money in Czech and Paraguay too, we need to refund and repay the money back by the end of year 2009. To help us, you can on account number: 218475359/0300, VS 2000