Since today, on the site Adoption Aregua, we will be offering you the possibility to select and help to particular child that is waiting for your support. We are looking forward to hear from you same as our children and students do!!
14. 12. 2008 was again organized by volunteering mothers the sale of christmas objects mainly hand-made and the earned money was dedicated to missions. The sum reached at the end was 44 530,-Kč.
By office of the monastery was added 27 500 Kč on purposes of missions and by the date of 22.12.2008 the total sum reached 79 000,-Kč.
On 23.12.2008, on a demand of Father Marek it was sent 122 000,-Kč to Aregua, as an immediate help.
To all the donators, we would like to express our boundless gratitude, and those who requested it, will soon receive confirmation about the acceptance of donation for purpose of subtraction from the tax income basis.
By virtue of one private and very generous donator, it was possible to send to Paraguay in November 2008 a cameraman from a private TV channel, who was meant to picturize the mission there concerning the work of Fathers and their volunteers together with the ordinary people s life there. The cameraman was also very helpful in bringing to the Sisters urgently needed sanitary material (thermometers, sticking-plasters, disinfections).
Making a film was taking place on 10.11 and ended on 20.11.2008. We are very thankful especially to the Fathers for their careful preparation including any essential messages that were passed and carried to people by the future document. There were also mentioned and outlined the magnificent plans which are about to be carried out in future. Eventually, in Czech, we were supplied with amounts of film material destined to be cut firstly into a few minute advertisement, in order to use it as a promotion in tv and attracting the donators and consequently into a film motion.
In the period of the late April 2009 is done the documentary film about the mission, which will be released on DVD too and the profit of the sale is going to be used to support this mission.
Since October 2008, also the sisters participate on the mission – they arrived on 3rd October with the superioress Františka. There is three of them currently - Barbora, Agáta a Marietta. Sisters will be helping mainly to the Fathers in mission with children, nursery and ordinary work in monastery. Sister Františka returned back after a month of stay to Czech and brought nice photos out of those some can be seen in the fotogallery in the folder "Sisters arrived".
This year also Father Darek enjoyed his first vacation. He came to Europe in June and turned back at the beginning on August 2008. Except of staying home he fully dedicated his time to support of the mission. He also gathered together other interested ones to donate and this not only in Czech or Poland, but also in Italy or Germany.
From the account he brought back to Aregua on 3.9.2008 precisely 3000 euro in cash (75 000 Kč).
I'm very thankful for everything, just recieved all the money and already yesterday I did the school need-shopping. Today I will pay the tuition fees and buy the cow for the meat. These days I am hoping to return thanks back to all and send photos if possible. I'm very bussy these days and to be alone leading people with different mentality is a bit hard, but God is with us.
I know that in Jihlava there is loads of people praying for me and that gives me strength to continue. I'm saying to myself that when we put this association in practise to the hands of paraguyans I will turn back to Jihlava to be available to those who are ill, in need of confessions and simply pay back the great debit that I have there. Naturally, if it will be the dispensation of the God.
I'm blessing you all.Since 20.01.2008 we have the permission to make a public gatherings to collect money for building up the Health center in Paraguay. It's a humanitarian rising of money at the territory of Czech republic, which returns will be passed on abroad, therefore also conceded by the Czech Ministery of foreign affairs.